Thursday, February 18, 2010


salam..suspen jer bunyi title post kali ni..ape yg dilema nye??well uwais tido so quick entry sementara he sleeping..baru lepas feeding

Back to the tittle..uwais having his first me taking my first emergency leave..bukanlah sebab his having cough me have to take el plak..melampau!..but his baby sitter still not back from kampung lagi,on wednesday which we supposed to send uwais back to babysitter after long weekend,baby sitter inform xdapat balik kl sebab nak checkup anak hubby who is supposed to start working kenalah amik cuti,then when babysitter who is supposed to come back lastnite cakap anak dia not well,demam and coughing plus chesty..''o'ooo..!!''for me..takan nak antar uwais to baby sitter sedangkan anak org tu xsihat..nanti jangkit plak..dahla uwais baru baik no choice me have to take leave and jaga uwais lah..i told baby sitter on monday baru start antar balik..

Ape yg dilema nye? and hubby is considering sending uwais to other baby sitter..tengah mencari still..kalo bleh biarlah yg duk satu blok appartment ngn kitorang..senang nak amik dan hantar.Tulah..tgh duk survey2..we just moved in..xkenal saper pon lagi kat sini ade gak far yg tanye tu mesti jawb.."tak tau lah..anak akak ni antar kat umah nenek diorang.."..takpun.."antar kat umah akak.."..hmhm so fevret question my hubby ask when he saw anybody wif baby iyalah.."antar kat mana anak?"...hhehe.Bukanlah current baby sitter tu x bagus..dia jaga ok..its just rumah dia tu agak jauh from our place..its about 15 minutes journey kalo x jem..half an hour kalo jem..but most of the time mmg jammed lah..kl nih mane tak jem..especially stay kat cheras nih..sometimes it takes bout 45 minutes to and back from baby sitter place..considering nursery??..i dont think so since uwais is just 2 month old..dan he is not he doesnt sleep for long..kalo dah antar nursery bleh ke diorang coop nak jaga dia and other kids at the same time..hmm..bila fikir balik ok jugak antar kat current b.sitter nih..dia xkesah amik lewat ke antar awal ker..dan dia cuma jaga uwais and his 2 year old son jer..anak dia pon dia x ajar tido buai..considering antar to my in law..?uuhh,...i don think so jugak..first biarlah me and hubby bersusah sket dlm raise up our son..xnaklah amik jalan mudah antar kat mertua..they had their time raising their own its time for us plak having our hard and sweet time raising ours...walaupun my mther in law mmg nak sgt jaga tp ...xpelah..skang bukan masa diorang nak bersusah jaga anak kita..let them do whatever they like..mengisi hari2 tua..bukannye jaga anak kita..sesekali dtg jenguk and kita blk umah diorang..main ngn our son bukan tinggalkan utk thats all to share..nak masak plak utk perut sendiri sementara uwais still sound asleep..daahh

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