Friday, July 10, 2009

im back.. back!!..rasanye its been so long since my last entry which was on may..time tu baru 7th weeek pregnancy..and now im already 4 months+..equal tu almost 17th week..humm so far so good, as earlier no morning sickness,cuma ada 2,3 kali terasa nauseated tp xde vomit plak during early 8th week..pastu aku mcm org biasa yg x mengandung..heheh..alhamdulillah, anyway rasanye ade baik dan buruk aku xde sickness nih..yg baiknya: 1)tentulah aku xyah susah payah muntah loya dan mengalami segala mcm not-so-pleasant moment mcm org yg teruk kena sickness,bleh rilek jer..2)aku bleh g keje dan wat keje rumah,msk mcm biasa..3)bleh g jln2 tanpa masalah..yg takbaiknya: 1)aku dgr org kate kalo early pregnancy tuh sickness teruk..muntah sampai lembik atau pendek kata time mengandung tuh susah lah..nanti bersalin senang,so aku rasa kalo aku mengandung senang..takut plak bersalin nanti susah..huhuhu takut..!! 2)first pregnancy dah xde experience sickness yg teruk..takut pulak kalo time next pregnancy aku kena sickness yg teruk..mesti lagi susah..sekarang sorang diri,kalo muntah sampai lembik pon xpe..kalo dah ada anak nanti ksian anak aku tuh..maknye muntah sampai lembik...hiiii takutlah..anyway just pray for the best..
Pregnancy is really exciting especially utk new mum to be like me..its not about physiological and physical changes yg dialami..yeah of course perut membesar,breast enlarge..and now i can feel 'something' when place hand on tummy..but the new experiences that we're going through in the journey to becoming mum..example before this aku plan nak check up kat private for antenatal,..the only reason why aku g government and bukak 'buku merah'..or antenatal book is just takut nanti emergency kena bersalin kat gomen hospital dan kalo xde rekod kat gomen susah i just go to KKSA (Klinik Kesihatan Shah Alam) my plan nanti dah 6th month baru booking and wat antenatal checkup kat private hospital..coz ingat nak bersalin kat private. But after went back from checkup at KKIA..its not so inconvinient after all..and i can say that eventhough only a staff nurse done the session it was done thoroughly..better than compared to some doctor yg wat antenatal checkup kat klinik..the advice given pon detail..xmcm certain GP in clinic..anyway i just came back from Breast feeding Talk..very interesting..eventhough aku pon staffnurse tp manalah ade idea yg detail sgt pasal benda2 nih..kalo tanye aku congenital heart disease tau lah ku..dan lebih best lagi aku lah satu2 nya ibu yg bertanya semua soalan..kalo Jururawat Masyarakat tu tau aku nih staffnurse jugak mesti dia ckp dlm hati " ade jugak staffnurse yg ngok mcm dia nih.." org lain yg bukan staffnurse pon pandai dari aku..ahh..wat everlah aku byk tanye sebab aku educated..yelah bila kta in this line kita jumpa ramai org yg susah nak breastfeed anak diorang walaupun dah di ajar..ajar memang senang tp aku dah experience tgk mak yg baru bersalin breastfeed bkn semudah yg diajar..or mungkin diorang yg tak menanya tu mmg pandai kot..what everr lah.and persepsi aku pon dah berubah..rasanye nak bersalin kat goverment hospital jerlah..sebab diorang akan straight away bagi anak kat kta utk disusukan dgn keadaan masih berdarah,ader verniks dan tali pusat..(ikut citer nurse tuh lah)utk diletakkan atas bdn kita direct tanpa alas baju atau kain utk stimulate susu and thats the best way utk galakkan susu keluar dgn byk..kalo kat private anak akan jarang berada dgn kita..hmm..ok lah..til next entry ..dah...!!